Sunday, February 20, 2011

Geocache #268

Last geocache found in Healdsberg for today #10 of 12 found as headed out of town back to Hwy 101.

It was called 'The Old Saw Mill' as I guess an Old saw mill had been built there, but all that was left of it now is a long row of discarded rocks forming a very low fence line.  We parked about 500 feet from the cache site or ground zero and walked to it. Afterwards realizing that there was enough room to have pulled over anywhere along the line of rocks. But then again we probably needed the little walk after our indulgence at lunchtime.

You don't realize just how much 500 feet really looks like till you see it for yourself.  After finding the cache and starting back towards the car we realized that it is a fair little walk.

AllieBee was the finder of this oneS too, only becasue she happened to turn the right rock over first.  With so many to choose from it's a gamble to find the right one!!
AllieBee trying to fall in

Small pill bottle with small amount SWAG.  We added a piece monopoly money that we picked up on our short walk to the site, we signed to log.  AllieBee tried to fall down inside the rocks with cache as whe was replacing it.   We had a good laugh at that and she said I better not have taken pictures of her trying to fall, but of course I did!!

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