After my aborted end to caching on Saturday, I decided I needed to get out and find a few more on Monday. I had to go into town to look for a 50th birthday party stuff anyway. Tried to do a couple of the puzzle/multi-caches while there. Looks like I need to mull them over a bit, as I didn't seem to have to right co-ordinates to find either one of them in the end.
After that failure I really needed to pacify myself by finding, at leat, one cache. In the end found two before I got a call from a girlfriend and headed out to dinner -- but thats a nother story!! LOL

So for geocache #276 I headed up Redemeyer Road to find 'Fault Line #3~ Redemeyer Road'. Parked in front of one of many vintage 'No Tresspassing' signs. Big hint in the description of this cache. Only walked back and forth accross the bridge a couple of times before I found it. Best hint was
"If You find it, Pick it up~All Day long you'll have good luck!" You do not need to go into the creek to access cache
I love these benchmark/coin typecaches. Would really like to know where this guy find these things!!
Ground was a little wet and muddy from the rains over the weekend, good thing I didn't need to get off the road!! Gued to the top of the cache container was what looked like a penny, but was actually an official benchmark geocache coin!!
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