Been raining like cats and dogs around here the last couple of weeks. I am so ready for the rain to go away!! I am sure the ground is totally loving all this rain though.
Got together with friends this morning for breakfast and small talk at Lumberjack's in Willits -- again. guess since it's the new place around here we will probably go there pretty frequently for awhile. At least it is cheaper than the new restaurant in Ukiah and has nice traditional hearty food!!
My toes and Carrie's toes!! |
After breakfast, a few of us decided to head into Ukiah to have the toes done. It's been months since I had a good pedicure!! Loved it. Danielle had her toes done in black with white flowers, Alycia had hers done in a teal with dimonds and white flowers, Carrie had hers done in kelly green with sparkly lines, and I had mine done in dark purple with diamonds and white flowers!! Felt kind of funny heading out into the rain in our flip-flops, but didn't want to mess up the paint job.
Then headed to the grocery store to pick up supplies for the girls movie and game day tomorrow!!!
Now just vegging out, watching T.V. and playing on the computer!!
Glad you had a good day today. Hope you have a great night as well.
Ended up heading to windmill's for a quick burger with another friend for a late dinner.
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