Monday, December 28, 2009

Geocache #12

Had noticed that there was a cache very close to where I work, but that during the weekday work hours was a pretty popular place for muggles (non-cachers) and hard to get to for that reason. So I decided to hit it on my way home from work -- granted thats 6:30ish in the morning!! LOL

Site was pretty empty, only noticed one person arriving at a nearby office early, but they didn't pay any attention to me. Found it pretty quick with the clues/hints and my iphone GPS which seems to be pretty accurate.

Nice size cache. Looked like a retired plastic mayo container painted greenish. Tried to take some pictures, but at 6:30ish am in December the sun is barely rising and the light is pretty poor -- yep I needed to pull out the flashlight to even find the cache. Tried to get a picture of the site, but even with the flashlight the picture is pretty poor.

But!!! Another geocache found!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Geocahces 10 & 11

As I headed home from work I was still pretty stoked about my find yesterday with my new iphone!! Yep!! You guessed it!! I had to check it out again. Stopped at a couple of caches that I have been to before and unable to find. At the first one, after walking the area a bit and looking my iphone GPS kept bringing me back to the same place where my 'gut' had been telling me the cache was. I sat down on the edge to mull it over. I kept repeating the 'hint' over and over in my head 'rock but no roll' and then started to pick up the rocks one by one in the planter area until I came to a rock I couldn't 'roll' over. You guessed it!! I found it.

This was a pretty nifty cache hide if you ask me. Although it is not water proof -- guess they need to work on that a bit still. In fact, it was so water logged that I was unable to even sign the log that I had been there -- good thing you can 'log' your finds online. I even left a note with my online log mentioning that it was 'water logged'. I then put everything back together and replaced it as found!!


The second one that I just had to check out again kept taking me to a fire hydrant in the middle of nowhere -- I just couldn't figure out where the cache could be. There didn't seem to be any place to hide it. Although the cache name fit to a tee!!

After tramping all around in the mulch I, finally decided to stoop down and take a closer look!! I couldn't believe it!! Now this, leterally was a cache just hanging around in plain site, but invisible. It is , also, gotta be the smallest cache that I have ever found!!! I must say this one made me chuckle a bit!! It is so much fin to see the measures that people go to to make and hide a 'good' cache!! Can't wait till the next time I find some time to 'find' some more geocaches!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Geocache #9

WhooHoo!!!! I must be on a roll! Found my 9th geocache today in less than 5 minutes. Luckily there was no-one around either. Bought myself a new iphone and added the geocache app. Was trying it out to see how accurate the coords were. Well I had to switch to the compass part of the app and stopped to see how far it was telling me I was from the cache and it was bouncing between 1-2 feet. I looked around and saw that sure enough there was tree right next to me!!

I looked all around it and then about eye level was able to see from the back of the tree next to the fence lodged into a notch the cache! That was a quick find for me!!

Didn't even take it all the way back to the car to log. I had my trusty pen on me and found a hard spot where I could sign the log -- it was a bit damp around the edges, but not so much I was unable to sign it!!

Hmmmmm. . . I think I might like this iphone all that much more!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Geocache #8 (out of order)

Had both the boys with me today and talked them into a bit of geocaching this afternoon!! This was the second cache we looked for today. I parked about a block away and waved the boys off in the general direction where I thought it was after reading the log notes and hint to them. I then searched through the car for a pen and locked it up and followed them. It was kinda fun to watch them looking all over and around the area. I kept walking up to them and telling them they needed to listen to the hint again!! After a few minutes I stopped and told them that I was pretty sure it was 'here'. My older son immediately started pushing the leaves around and searching, then gave up and went further on. I stood there for a little while longer and kept telling them that it was here where I was standing. I then reached down and put my hand behind the 'pipe' and pulled it out!! No!! I could not see it, but as soon as I had my hand down there I could feel it. We all had a good laugh that Chris had his hands practically on top of it and still missed it!!

Here is the 'micro' cache with only a log and the container.
Not so sure Cody is into the geocaching, but his girlfriend Mae was pretty stoked!! When we dropped her off to catch her ride back home she said that she was going to open her own account at so she could log the finds, and couldn't wait till the next time she came to town to go geocaching with me!! Oh what fun a new geocacher convert!!
I know this says it is GC8, you might be wondering where GC7 is!! My camera phone was out of memory and I had left my camera at home, so need to go back tomorrow to get the pics of it to post. So, yes, there is a GC7!!

Geocache #6

Whoohoo!! Yesterday went out with my oldest son who flew into town to spend the holidays at home so I decided to introduce him to geocaching. After much deliberation we chose to look for one of the caches that I have been looking for and not finding -- this was my 3rd time out looking for it, but I just knew it was there!!!

Low and behold, we find it!! Mt GPS was way off -- probably why I was having such a hard time finding it all these times(yeah!! its a cheaper one). So while Chris was looking through the bushes and trees where I had already looked twice before I stood back and surveyed the entire area and decided to look in the one spot that I hadn't looked in yet . . . so I walk over to it, duck my head under the hanging branches and look up (we knew to look up from the hint) and right there it was just as plain as day!! Called Chris over and asked him if he could see it!! Good thing I had him with me as it was just out of my reach (but I would have gotten it even if he wasn't there lol).

So we take it back to the car and take a good look at it -- this geocache was my first one to find that was in an official 'geocache' container!! It was considered a micro and only had room for the log, but we took pictures and I signed it, then I sent Chris to hang it right back in the tree where we found it for the next geocacher to find!! Yahoo another cache found!!

Maybe I'll have a convert to geocaching and when I go to visit him in Colorado we can go geocaching there too!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Geocache find #5

Was going to head out and spend Saturday geocaching!! Alas. . . that didn't happen, but did hit a couple (only found the one due to rain) yesterday while driving up to Willits to watch football with the girls. The others I will return to one of these days when it is a little less wet!!

So this is officially my #5 geocache find!! I had a pretty good idea of where it was, in general, when I drove out there from the clues. Originally I parked in the wrong parking lot and did a quick look around but could not find anything that corresponded to the 'hint' and GPS was kinda acting up in the rain. I, finally, decided that it had to be over by the large tree stump I saw in a smaller more frontal parking lot, so I parked next to the stump and settled in to see if my GPS would settle down. Meanwhile I studied the area carefully looking for a 'nook' as the hint had mentioned esp around the stump I was parked too. Just about the time I decided that the GPS had settled as much as it could the heaven's opened up with a deluge of rain. Jumped out of the car and dug around inside the 'nook' when I finally found the camoed bottle pushed far back inside. I had to move quite a bit of bark and debre, grabbed it and ran back to the car to take a look.

I laid the contents out to take a look and signed the little log. I decided that the cache was running a little low on items so I didn't take anything and added a nickle to it. Then I packaged it back up and waited for the deluge of rain and, surprising, cars to slow down so I could put it back, settle it in with the surrounding bark for it to await its next find!

I must say I did get a bit wet even though I wasn't out in the rain all that much!! Walked around in the rain at a couple of other Geocache sites, but didn't have any luck and did get quite a few 'funny' looks!! Oh well!! Next time

Monday, December 07, 2009

Saturday, December 05, 2009

I can't believe how much fun this Geocaching is!! Yesterday spent the day caching and found three caches!! Two were pretty much alike, but hey!! I still found them!!

Here is a picture of GC(Geocache)#2 still in its little hiding spot, can you see it!! This was considered a microcache - meaning that it was small enough that there was only room for log to sign the owner of this cache had also added a very small gel pen to sign the log!!

This was my GC#3. I had been out here a few days before looking and looking, but had given up as I didn't want people to start thinking I was crazy or something!! Part of the allure of Geocaching is doing it without letting others that are just hanging around know what you are doing--hahahaha guess what they call those people? Muggles -- sound familiar?

When I went back yesterday to find this GC I parked right beside this light and was focusing on the Willow tree next to it. After quite a few looks I sat down in the car and pondered some more while pretending to read. The hint was "Do you know what an electrlier is?" I had looked it up and knew that it was a fancy name for chandelier. Ah. . . could it be that simple. A 'light'! So I jumped up to see if the light skirt would move at all and low and behold it totally lifted up and there was my little 'pill' bottle cache!! There was room for small tradeables but I didn't take anything but left my name on the log and a small copper sun/moon bead.

I looked for quite a few more GC'z throughout the day, but most of them had to many people around. These caches were 'in town' caches and being a friday afternoon town was pretty busy. Finally found another tree skirt cache as my GC#4. It was a large camoed 'pill' bottle cache with quite a few tradeable items.

Here is a snapshot of the loot in GC#4's bottle. I took the little red comic pin and added a set of soft earplugs.

All in all I think I had a pretty good day of Geocaching!! Since I have the whole weekend off was thinking of maybe heading out to the lake to see if I can find a few out there. But not sure, it is winter and the ground could be pretty muddy!!!