This was a pretty nifty cache hide if you ask me. Although it is not water proof -- guess they need to work on that a bit still. In fact, it was so water logged that I was unable to even sign the log that I had been there -- good thing you can 'log' your finds online. I even left a note with my online log mentioning that it was 'water logged'. I then put everything back together and replaced it as found!!

The second one that I just had to check out again kept taking me to a fire hydrant in the middle of nowhere -- I just couldn't figure out where the cache could be. There didn't seem to be any place to hide it. Although the cache name fit to a tee!!
After tramping all around in the mulch I, finally decided to stoop down and take a closer look!! I couldn't believe it!! Now this, leterally was a cache just hanging around in plain site, but invisible. It is , also, gotta be the smallest cache that I have ever found!!!
I must say this one made me chuckle a bit!! It is so much fin to see the measures that people go to to make and hide a 'good' cache!! Can't wait till the next time I find some time to 'find' some more geocaches!!!

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