Had both the boys with me today and talked them into a bit of
geocaching this afternoon!! This was the second cache we looked for today. I parked about a block away and waved the boys off in the general direction where I thought it was after reading the log notes and hint to them. I then searched through the car for a pen and locked it up and followed them. It was kinda fun to watch them looking all over and around the area. I kept walking up to them and telling them they needed to listen to the hint again!! After a few minutes I stopped and told them that I was pretty sure it was 'here'. My older son immediately started pushing the leaves around and searching, then gave up and went further on. I stood there for a little while longer and kept telling them that it was here where I was standing. I then reached down and put my hand behind the 'pipe' and pulled it out!! No!! I could not see it, but as soon as I had my hand down there I could feel it. We all had a good laugh that Chris had his hands practically on top of it and still missed it!!
Here is the 'micro' cache with only a log and the container.
Not so sure Cody is into the geocaching, but his girlfriend Mae was pretty stoked!! When we dropped her off to catch her ride back home she said that she was going to open her own account at geocaching.com so she could log the finds, and couldn't wait till the next time she came to town to go geocaching with me!! Oh what fun a new geocacher convert!!
I know this says it is GC8, you might be wondering where GC7 is!! My camera phone was out of memory and I had left my camera at home, so need to go back tomorrow to get the pics of it to post. So, yes, there is a GC7!!
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