Was going to head out and spend Saturday geocaching!! Alas. . . that didn't happen, but did hit a couple (only found the one due to rain) yesterday while driving up to Willits to watch football with the girls. The others I will return to one of these days when it is a little less wet!!
So this is officially my #5 geocache find!! I had a pretty good idea of where it was, in general,
when I drove out there from the clues. Originally I parked in the wrong parking lot and did a quick look around but could not find anything that corresponded to the 'hint' and GPS was kinda acting up in the rain. I, finally, decided that it had to be over by the large tree stump I saw in a smaller more frontal parking lot, so I parked next to the stump and settled in to see if my GPS would settle down. Meanwhile I studied the area carefully looking for a 'nook' as the hint had mentioned esp around the stump I was parked too. Just about the time I decided that the GPS had settled as much as it could the heaven's opened up with a deluge of rain. Jumped out of the car
and dug around inside the 'nook' when I finally found the camoed bottle pushed far back inside. I had to move quite a bit of bark and debre, grabbed it and ran back to the car to take a look.

I laid the contents out to take a look and signed the little log. I decided that the cache was running a little low on items so I didn't take anything and added a nickle to it. Then I packaged it back up and waited for the deluge of rain and, surprising, cars to slow down so I could put it back, settle it in with the surrounding bark for it to await its next find!

I must say I did get a bit wet even though I wasn't out in the rain all that much!! Walked around in the rain at a couple of other Geocache sites, but didn't have any luck and did get quite a few 'funny' looks!! Oh well!! Next time
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