'Wildhorse Creek'
Another cache that I have looked for in past visits to Colorado. This one I looked for back in October with my daughter. Looked all over that darn bridge to no avail. Was sure that it was another MIA. On this visit as I pulled up caches to look for, this one came up again with recent finds. So it was NOT a MIA cache. I just needed to look a little harder.
Sondra and I looked all over that bridge, was pretty sure that it was a magnetic cache too! We even walked across the street to the other side, but GPS freaked out and told us we were going away from it. So back to the original site. Even had the GPSco-ordinates downto 3 feet.

I was sure that we had looked in every cuby hole at every post. I climbed over the railing and started to sit down on the cedment siding for the bridge. As I sat down Iwas saying to Sondra 'Sometimes these caches are too easy and are right in front of your face" Looked up and low and behold there it was. I am sosure that we looked there more than once.
Signed the log and Sondra fit one of my flower masgnets into the container too.
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