Sunday, April 24, 2011

The end of mom's 'Around the World Cruise'

So my mother started an around world cruise this past January.  I must say that I was excited for her, but a little apprehensive too.  It seems that most every time I would go to visit mom she had some minor injury, her foot, her knee, her elbow, hand. . . and when asked what happened she would say 'oh, I fell'. 

You see mom had a stroke quite a few years back while undergoing brain surgery to remove a benign tumor.  She did well once the swelling went down and even was getting around pretty good.  The age factor though seemed to start catching up with her, even though she is more active than most people her age esp with her disabilities, but she has started having more trouble getting around without aids.  Those 'skooters' are great!!

So my biggest fear was that she wouldn't be able to get through this cruise without falling and hurting herself and what then?

I was starting to breathe easier as the time for the end of the cruise started getting closer when I understand my brother got that dreaded call. . . . . Mom had fallen and cracked some ribs, then her lungs started to fill up with fluid.  The cruise lines finally took her to a mainland hospital in Naples where she earned herself a 7 day stay in the hospital!  Guess she had told the cruise lines that she didn't want her family bothered, so we didn't get notified till the day before she was going to be discharged from the hospital.  What a mess that became.  Long story short ---- she just wanted to come ASAP.  Guess she got home last night and us doing OK, just a wee bit tired. 

Just so glad that she is home safe. 

Moral of this story --- Yes!!!  Take that around the world cruise, but take it before you body starts to betray you!!!!

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