Monday the children headed off to school, Bob and Candace off to work early. Little Donnie went to spend the day with his other grandma, Janice. That left Sondra, my niece who is living with Candace and Bob, and I with a day to ourselves.
So what did we do? We went out geocaching, of course!!!

This first one we headed out to was a cache that Chris, Carleen, Alexis and I had looked for back in October when I was out visiting for my birthday. We looked all over the area, even walked a ways out into the field thinking that maybe the GPS co-ordinates were off. Didn't find the cache, but did find a tarantula!!! I understand that the wild tarantulas are born and live for a few weeks in October, then they die -- avery short life span. Candace and I found a cache in Pueblo last May that was called 'Tarantula' that had that fact in it. Too bad that cache has gone belly up!!
The cache we decided to look for was called 'Eagles &Thunderwolves crossing'. Sondra and I were all over that site, even filtered through quite a few of the rocks with no luck. I didn't pay much attention to the nearby tree as I thought that when I was out here before we searched there pretty thoroughly.

We had given this one up as a Do Not Find (DNF) and were even in the car getting ready to back out when Sondra asked me, yet again, what were we actually looking for. This was her first time out geocaching. So I was explaining to her the different types of caches that I have found, and that lots of cachers just use recycled containers that they have on hand like old pill bottles camoed with tape. She stopped me there and said pill bottle, there was a pill bottle back there with silver duck tape on it.' We quickly reparked the car and she showed me the camoed pill bottle at the base of the tree. Sure enough it was the geocache.
So Sondra on her first time out found the cache and didn't even know it till I started describing some cache containers. LOL!!!
We STL, didn't take or leave anything. Then headed on our way to the next cache!!
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