Thursday, July 07, 2011

Moonlight Movie Madness!!

Date             Movie                                       Rating             Length      Sunset

June 24        MegaMind                                   PG               96 min      8:43pm

July 8           Despicable Me                             PG               95 min      8:42pm

July 22         Diary of a Wimpy Kid II               PG               99 min      8:35pm

Aug. 5         Alice in Wonderland                      PG               108 min    8:22pm

Aug. 19       Sorcerer's Apprentice                    PG               109 min    8:04pm

Sept. 2        Tangled                                          PG               100 min    7:44pm

Sounds like fun!!!!

1 comment:

Brent Logan said...

I'm just in time to say, "Banana!"

If you don't know what that means, you will tomorrow. ;-)