Thursday, June 30, 2005

Handmade soaps

Yes, I am a gal of many talents. My oldest son has had so many problems with allergies and has been on medication to help keep the hives diminished that a couple of years ago I decided that I would try my hand at making my own soap. I was thinking that if we limited the amount of chemicals being put on his skin that maybe it would help with his hives. I have also tried to get him to eliminate the obvious food allergens from his diet - he is finally trying that now that he is 22 and between the two his hives are a lot better.

The handmade soap was such a success that a lot of the gals at work, including a couple of the Dr's are buying my soaps. If I get lazy and try to skip a few months without making any batches they all let me know that they are ready for more!!

I, currently, have a few bars of each of these scents left: Lemon/Lavender, gardenia, and Cucumber. I just finished packaging up new batches of Freesia, Rose, and grapefruit (very, very mild on the scent). Get them while they last!! I sell them for $1/ounce the bars are all different in sizes but weigh between 1-4 1/2 ounces each. Email me if interested and we can make a deal with shipping!!Posted by Picasa

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