Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Geocache #277 and Dinner at Simona's

After finding the last cache I decided to cactch a few more in the area so headed out to the 'Blue Eyes' Cache.

In a nice hole in the rocks!

Can you tell where the cache is?

After parking just past the GPS co-ordinates I started back to Ground Zero and saw a couple of deer in the middle of the road -- too bad I wasn't able to get my camera out fast enought to get pics of them.  I then looked around and following the clues/hints decided that I needed to get to the top of a small fenced in mound and that the cache was probably on the other side of the fenced in area -- no not inside the fenced area as that is against geocaching guidelines.  Found an easy path up and around and walked right to the cache at the top of a slide of rocks!!
nice size cache and lots of SWAG!

Took a green plastic dinosaur and left an angel pin.

As I was logging the find in my book and via my iphone at I recieved a call from a really good friend of mine wanting to head out to dinner at Simona's.

Ok, so maybe I wasn't all that dressed up, but I couldn't resist a dinner out at Simona's.

After dinner we went to visit another friend, back when I was taking  dance classes, who now owned the 7-11 Club and had a couple of drinks and socialized with the pool players there.

Not a bad night for a Monday night!!

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