Sunday, April 03, 2011

Last weeks geocache

Been busy with work and getting ready to go to Colorado and visit with my two older children and the grand children.  Just now sitting down at a computer to catch up myblogging.

During a short lull in the rain last week I ventured out to look for some geocaches.  Think I found a few more, but need to return when less muggles are present - probably when I get back home now.

Log #5 to sign!!!
 I did find one quick cache 'Wasting Time Hanging Around'.  It's a fairly new cache back home in fact I am one of the first 5 loggers!!! 

Had walked up and decided where the cache was, but when I tried all the fence tops near ground zero they didn't seem to move.  So I looked around a bit more and then came back and tried those fence tops again.  Yep!!!!  There it was, just needed to give it a good tug.  Ran it back to the car and signed the log, then replaced and on my way!

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