Sunday, February 20, 2011

Geocache #261

Cache #3 of 12 was another cache in Cloverdale.
Had to take a little detour as we found out we were drving through Cloverdale right at the end of the Citrus Fair Parade.  The main street through town was closed off and we had to go through it on the back roads.  In our detour we passed quite a few horseback riders leading their mounts towards home!!  Even though we missed the parade we had an enjoyable time watching all the riders!! Even got a few pics through the windows of the car.

nestled among the needles
Train Station that never was
Once we made it to the cache site we parked at the train station and then took a turn reading the info regarding the 'The "Station" TB Stop.  Too bad this wonderful train station never was actually used as a train station, and the cache was across the street!

We wondered all around and kept coming back to this lone pine tree.  It had to be there as the hint was 'these needles would be hard to sew with'.  None of the other trees in the area had needles.  With a little shuffling of 'needles' we did make a find!!

I picked up a TB here called 'Wholphin' a pretty 'Wholphin' coin from Hawaii.  ou can kinda see it in the SWAG photo.

Cowpi's State Traveler Bug

Placed a TB called 'Cowpi's State Traveler Bug' it was a tight fit, but we made it fit along with the nice SWAG already in the cache.

Wholphin Coin

There was a homeless looking type person laying on one of the benches at the train station. Sure hope she wasn't a muggling type person.  I would hate to see this cache and its TB's/Coins come up missing

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