Sunday, February 20, 2011

Geocache #266

Decided that we were not going to go all the way to Santa Rosa today and would just find a few more in Healdsberg and catch a few more on teh way back home that we missed.

cache attached with magnet
Just a couple blocks further down the the same walkway of unique art was our next stop called 'Pony up a micro'  Another cache that Candace and I were all over last summer.  I tried to tell AllieBee that we couldn't find these last two cause it was getting too dark and they were micros when Candace I were looking.  She wasn't buying it!! 

So with our hint we knew that is was a micro that had recently been replaced with a new slightly larger container and that it was on the street side of the piece of art!!  Hmmm. . . lots of little nooks and cranies to look into on this piece.

Whoolly Boolly!!  I found this one!!  But I am sure that I looked there last time while here with Candace and I am sure with this one light does make a difference.  A small altoid box attached with magnets to hold it in place up under the 'ponys' back.

I noticed that a previous logger had logged at Christmas time someone had put a wreath around the 'pony's' neck. This time AllieBee and I noticed that there was fresh hay put out for it.  What a nice touch and a cool looking piece of art out of metal and wood.

We signed the log and replaced and meandered on our way through the streets of Healdsberg looking for a another cache to find!!

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