Sunday, February 20, 2011

Geocache #270

Last of our geocache finds for the day was found in Asti!!

'Historial Trail'  Guess there is a lot of history around the area and a whole right-up about the nearby church in the description of the cache.

Another one that I didn't really head the hint too.  Although I kept repeating it as I would shake my head at my GPS coords.  Cause there was nothing there to 'look up' at.  AllieBee with her common geosence walked to the nearby tree and said -- 'I found it'  and sure enough she did.

The cache was bigger than I thought, as it said you might need a grabber tool.  Hmmmm. . .  not sure what for.  Pretty much a log only cache so we signed the log and replaced it then headed home for a nap!!

You know I am not a day person!! LOL!!

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