Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Catching up on my Geocaching!! Geocache #303

Geocache #303
Jack's Place

I need to catch up on my geocaching - left you off on Alycia, Carrie, Danielle and my geocaching around Clear Lake back on December 10th. 

After lunch we headed to the other end of Lakeport and caught a couple of geocaches - this was our first one after lunch.

Can you guess where the GPS lead us?  With a name like 'Jack's Place'?  Hmmmmm. . . . I'm sure you guessed it!!  Lakeport's Jack-in-the-Box or the back parking lot of it!! 

Another one that Carrie made the find pretty much before anyone could get to searching!!  I, always seem to go in the opposite direction of the cache!!  Or, at least, in this case to the wrong pile of rocks!!

Nice size container with plenty of SWAG took a bug, left a magnet and STL.


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