Monday, May 16, 2011

Geocaches #300, #301 & #302 Lakeport, CA

I know this can get confusing -- I haven't been too good about keeping up to date on my geocaching!!  Hoping to remedy that over the next few days, although it is quite a few to catch  up on!!  LOL!!

If you remember a few blogs back -- the geocaching part of the blogs that is -- Last month Alycia, Carrie, Danielle and I decided to do a geocaching day around Clear Lake while Trish was out of town visiting her sister!! 

This cache was truly the actual first one on that trip around the lake --we drove by a few caches prior to hitting our real first one by the lake--but we will catch those on another trip.  Guess I just didn't have my gear in order soon enough for Alycia to stop in time or they were on the other side of the road!!  Highway 29 into Lakeport is two separate roads!!

So our first stop ended us up in Lakeport where we, actually, found 5 caches!!  We, also, did a quick potty and lunch stop at KFC!!
Carrie and Danielle busy texting during the break!!
Not sure who either of them were resting so diligently, but it kept them busy most of the day!!
Cache #300
No Music Radio

GPS co-ords took us to the backlot of a small business -- I think when this geocache was placed it used to be a 'Radioshack', but not anymore!!  Thus the reference in the name!!

I know that last year I had made a trip to Lakeport as Mae, Cody's girlfriend, was living there and I was dropping him off to see her and then I made the most of my drive back home by geocaching.  This was one that I had looked for, but couldn't seem to find then.

Carrie returning the cache
We were headed towards another 'no find this time' as there wasn't a whole lot of places to look, when I finally made the find!  I couldn't believe that we almost overlooked it -- again!!

Some nice SWAG --left an angel pin as the container isn't that big and took the frog in a raincoat, to make more space for SWAG!!
Geocache #301
Bowling Anyone?

So onto the next one. You guessed it!!  At the back of the Lakeport Bowling Alley!!  At the head of trail leading down towards the river!  Yet another one that I had looked for last year and tried to make too hard!!  Carrie spotted it as soon as she got out of the car and headed towards it!!  I am sure I was up and down and all over that trail last year!! 
For such a small re-used container we were surprised what SWAG we found in it!! Took one of the dominoes and left an angel pin!!
Geocache #302
The Look Out

Yep we were a rolling . . . and on to the next one!!

This one took us up above the fast food court in Lakeport!!  Guess that would be a good name - the look out spot!!  LOL!!  Probably what decided on our lunch stop break too!!  That and the fact that it was after one in the afternoon!
This is yet another that I had looked for, but I was using a different GPS device then, obviously, not that good cause with my iphone it took us directly to the 'Look Out' I never even made it that far with my last GPS.  It then just became a chance of the luck -- who was going to head in the right direction around that large bush and find it first!!
Well Carrie was the lucky one!!  Just the luck of the draw I went one way she went the other!! 
For a bigger container than the last, there wasn't that much SWAG, I took a little plastic frog and left an angel pin!!

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